The Cajongo Pitch port was developed to drop the pitch while keeping as much of the pure natural tone available in
the Cajon. The Pitch Port lowers the pitch about an octave. The natural character of the port dries the
tone just a bit, but to no great detriment to the tone quality of the instrument.
Cajongo pitch port is designed to fit current models of Cajongo cajons but the Custom Shop with oval port holes.
For example: Pitch drop when used in a "Chico" will bring the pitch down to the "Artista",
the "Artista" down to the "OM" and "La Montana", the "OM" & "La Montana" down
to a low boom.
This innovation to the Cajongo line is another add-to fixture that gives the artist another
opportunity to create at will. When added to one of the "Primal" line , it offers 3 drums for the price
of one.

A simple twist and push to install, reverse to remove. Simple!
